1 definition by K-Stro

If you like pussy you can fit a bowling ball into, Massapequa is right for you.

A town comprised of wanna-be gangsters, and a limitless amount of sluts ranging from late teen all the way to the ripe age of 11.

Where are the parents you may ask? Well, they either don't give a fuck, or they pretend they have no clue that their son comes home at 1 AM stoned, drunk, and probably butt-fucked by his homo-in-denial buddy, and a daughter who's been knocked up serveral times and has plenty more to come.

A town where driving 70 miles per hour down a sidestreet makes natives feel they have a really huge cock. But nothing says I have a huge cock then rolling down your window while driving past a 12 year old kid on merrick road, and screaming something that most of the time isn't even a word.

You'll need a huge dick to have sex in this town, cause girls here...lets just say theres alot of room. Another thing you'll love about Massapequa is the AIDS!!! Gotta love them AIDS!!! We are number one in the U.S.! YEAH!!! MASSAPEQUA'S #1!!!
"Lets not eat at the Massapequa diner, we might catch the AIDS."

"Bra my dick is SOOOOO HUGEEEEEE. Want to see?"

"I'm not gay"


"Ya Bra why does my ass hurt Bra"

"Bra. This Saturday, i'm drinking Jack Dainels, then I'm gonna drink..."

"I suck dick for cash"
by K-Stro August 24, 2006
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