1 definition by Just what it is

Kya is a female name from African origin meaning "sky diamond" or "diamond in the sky". Kya is a term used when referring to an indistinguishable time and is also used as a unit of time to denote length of time before the present.

There are other meanings to the name Kya in various languages but the origin of the name and meaning is from Africa.

Pronunciation {similar to the name Mya} KY-A

Other variant spelling - Kyah

Similar names: Kia, pronounced as KEE-AH (like the car manufacturer)

Kaya meaning marijuana in patois. It is a slang term in Jamaica made famous to the english by Bob Marley.

Syllables; 2

Favourite song; Twinkle twinkle little star
#1: What is your name?
#2: Kya
#1: Thats a beautiful name, how do you pronounce it?

#2: Ky-a
#1: What does it mean?
#2: It means diamond in the sky
by Just what it is December 9, 2019
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