105 definitions by Julie

to come home past cerfew
I was homela
by Julie January 26, 2003
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take down one's pants. Defined in the Preppy Handbook.
I dropped trow on the dance floor just to see what would happen
by Julie October 5, 2003
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She cheated on you?? That's fucking rhubarb!
by Julie March 5, 2004
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a symbol standing for physical and eternal life, it can often be seen in the hands of egyptian gods
by Julie August 11, 2003
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A weird puppet created by Liam Lynch.
by Julie April 22, 2003
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It's a contradiction in the same sentence or word.
Honest lawyer.
Cheap vacation.
Nice ex wife/husband.
Intelligent blond.
by Julie March 24, 2005
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It's contradiction in a same sentence or a word.
Honest lawyer.
Nice ex wife/husband.
Cheap vacation.
Cheap gilfriend/boyfriend
by Julie March 24, 2005
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