2 definitions by Josh "Rosicherie" Special

Used to describe a person who resembles the killer doll Chucky and sucks at life. A chuckster special loves to sleep at work and do absolutely nothing. Most chuckster specials will pretty much hit up anything with a vagina as long as it walks upright. There is at least 1 chuckster special everywhere you go so keep an eye out for that pendejo.
Mexicutioner: "Where the fuck is the chuckster special at?"

Rosicherie: "He's in the back sleeping like he does everyday."

Mexicutioner: "Of course he is. What a fuckin pendejo."
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Commonly used at the Home Depot to describe the department head at the pro desk. It's used to describe somebody who is just so sad to look at you can't do anything besides laugh. Most people described as sad sauce usually have anywhere between 5-10 kids.
Man, that department head Rob is such sad sauce.
by Josh "Rosicherie" Special June 28, 2008
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