1 definition by Joseph Adolf Hitler Stalin

A large corporation of dumbass cocksuckers who want to steal your money and give you shit service. In early 2012, they added a type of program to where you have a data cap. Yes, a data cap. A data cap of 300GBs. This data cap is easy to go over with things such as streaming, downloading things, etc. Every 1GB you go over, you have to pay $10. This shitty company is a monopoly and they don't give two single shits about you. If you live in the states: Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah, Georgia; Central Kentucky; Maine; Jackson, Mississippi; Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee; and Charleston, South Carolina, you are absolutely fucked internet-wise. Fuck you Comcast, you dumb fucking cunts!
Person 1: Hey dude, did you get your internet bill?

Person 2: Yes I did.

Person 1: How much was it in total?

Person 2: Oh, umm, let me check. Oh yeah, it was around $300.

Person 1: Really? Why so much?

Person 2: Because Comcast is a cocksucking, money-stealing, monopoly corporation who doesn't give a shit about their customers and their well-being.

Person 1: Lol, rekt, I have DirectTV.
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