9 definitions by Jonny Zip

1. slang term for cocaine

ex: i'd like to get some chop

2. to snort cocaine

ex: i chop with hot chicks only.

a chronic cocaine user is referred to as a chopper, and gets a ranking in his circle of friends according to how much he buys. chopper 1, chopper 2...

Should we chop tonight?
by Jonny Zip November 5, 2006
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1. the face you see in the mirror while tripping on acid.

ex: whoa, i think its kicking in, because i can see my tracerface.

2. a deragatory term for someone that is currently tripping too hard.

ex: god damn it you fucking tracerface turn the lights back on! enough twirling lit cigarettes around.

3. someone that did too much acid over the course of their life.

ex: josh is such a tracerface he can't even hold a job anymore, much less be responsible for someone else.
holy shit! my tracerface is undulating.
by Jonny Zip November 5, 2006
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