1 definition by Jonny "Slick Dick" Rickety

A popular underground sport where a person lays on their stomach and slides down a slip-n-slide which has been set up on some sort of steep incline. Both the slide and the participant are covered, top-to-bottom, in a heavy layer of lubricant prior to beginning the launch.
Competitive runs are usually held in the form of a time-trial, but some variants of the sport require a ramp at the end of the slide, and includes a distance judging.
Participants may also go with a partner. The second person (referred to as 'the rider') sits cross-legged on top of the first peron's back and tries to maintain their balance for the duration of the run.
Hey guys we are going toobaloobing at the Northwood Reservoir, make sure you bring a fat friend if you wanna do paired toobing.
by Jonny "Slick Dick" Rickety September 18, 2010
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