1 definition by Johnni Test

The name sandra is derived from alexandra and it also means the queen. Also means kindness, love, peace, & helper of mankind. -

A young girl, usually with tanish skin, who dresses like a slut just to get guys attention. Butt shes sweet, caring, helpfull, funny, nice, & has a great attitude. You will always see her with a beutifull smile on her face. Loves to sing rap music. (shee got a gangstaa status) Great at dancing grinding, & club dancing. Shess fucking hot ass helllll. So if you ever go out with a Sandra; dont ever let go cus boyy, youur onee lucky person ! :)
Have you seen Sandra latley? Shes such a slut, but sucha great dancer. ;
by Johnni Test December 21, 2009
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