2 definitions by John from LA

A complete idiot who would rather sell out his country and economy to a bunch of wetbacks and beaners. Also known as MECHA, LA RAZA, and other ignorant morons. Typically believes that the Southwest U.S. was stolen from Mexico. Likes to coddle beaners and give them free social services at the expense of tax-paying U.S. citizens.
1. Those stupid beaner activists burned a U.S. flag downtown today.

2. Emergency rooms are closing because of beaner activists!
by John from LA December 13, 2006
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Term used to describe Hispanic gang member with a shaved head. Synonym - beaner.
Stupid ignorant morons that look like onions with clothes on. Screw you onion head - you are under arrest!
by John from LA December 13, 2006
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