2 definitions by John L.K

Someone on social media that uses the words, "Cancerous," "Autistic," "Kill yourself," "Drink Bleach," "Triggered," "Cringeworthy," and "Edgy" as insults.
Teen on the internet: "Bronies and Furries are Autistic fags."

Another teen on the internet: "Agreed. Pewdiepie and Leafy fans are Autistic too, and they're cancerous. Wanna raid some of them?"

A third teen on the internet: "Tirdicks."
by John L.K August 20, 2016
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Someone who is basically in love with Dank memes. They're usually smelly nerds in the real world that pretty much take everything as a joke around them. Even "dark humor."

They're also known for being offended easily when someone insults their work. That's the only "joke" that they get pissed off at.
Nick: Hehehehe, check out this dank meme I made. Kek.

Mac: It's just a picture of Pepe on top of the Twin Towers while they're on fire. Not funny.

Nick: Kill yourself you fucking autistic nigger.

Mac: Dank Memefag much?
by John L.K July 25, 2017
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