2 definitions by Joey the gym god

Weebs (which stands for weeaboo) are a male/female that is overdramatic and is really into anime. Weebs ofter are picked on a bullied for their preferences and will behave awkwardly to the world around them. Weebs may try to pull an anime fight on you so be careful what you say.
Bro 1: bro did you hear Bro 3 is a weeaboo?
Bro 2: no I didnt, tell me more?
Bro 1: he anime fought a kid and kicked his butt!
Bro 2: dang, weebs these days!
by Joey the gym god February 26, 2020
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Mark Zuckerbergs occur when the drains get clogged with pubes and leg hairs in a motel bathroom and the plumber that cleans it out eats the pubes and leg hairs.
Bro 69: Bro is saw my plumber doing a Mark Zuckerberg! What a gross person!
Bro 70: ewwwwwwww
by Joey the gym god February 26, 2020
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