2 definitions by Joe Sixpack

An expression derived from Something Awful portraying Gollum from Lord of the Rings as a hired thug for the Nazgul, given the task of inducing an abortion in Lady Galadriel. The insinuation is he will use all necessary force.
We punches her in the ooterus, master!
by Joe Sixpack April 7, 2005
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The left field wall at Fenway Park.
What tourists unwhittingly refer to as "The Green Monster". Which the localals refer to as "The Wall".
Most notable recently for the seats situated atop it. These are the "Monsta seats".
"Dj'you see that shot Manny sent ova the Monsta. That was Pissa, betcha it hit the Pike"
by Joe Sixpack December 31, 2004
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