1 definition by JizzWizard9989

Side Quest (noun): An impromptu adventure or diversion undertaken by an individual, typically outside the realm of one's primary goals or responsibilities, often characterized by spontaneous actions and unconventional activities.
Usage: "Did you hear about Evt's latest side quest? He went on this crazy escapade involving fishing, chugging Bud Light, and even managed to sneak some light-fingered exploits into the mix while sporting his signature letterman jacket."

Note: While the term "side quest" is commonly used in the context of video games to refer to optional missions or tasks, this definition focuses on its urban dictionary usage, which extends the concept to real-life experiences and spontaneous adventures. The example provided incorporates the unique characteristics of Evt's side quests, including his affinity for fishing, Bud Light consumption, and his peculiar choice of attire.
by JizzWizard9989 June 8, 2023
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