2 definitions by Jim? James? Jimothy?

The time between when you take a midterm and get it back. It is defined by feelings of ecstatic happiness and self-praise: "That wasn't so hard" and "I think I did really well on that". Time period can is typically between a couple days to a week, but can last months if your professor is lazy and disorganized. Preceded by Seasonal Midterm Disorder and succeed by Depression upon seeing your score.
"Hows your week been?"

"Great, I took at midterm on Monday and have been in the Honey-Midterm Phase all week!"
"Oh look scores just came out"
by Jim? James? Jimothy? October 3, 2017
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Similar to Seasonal Affective Disorder, SMD occurs at the same time every year, typically the late September to Early October (unless you are on the quarter system in which case F*** you). Symptoms include long hours in the library, lack of hygiene and exercise, and even in rare cases transport to an alternate dimension where everyone is sleep deprived and has a constant headache. Typically only last 1-2 weeks, but if your professor is one of these guys: "I'm going to have my midterm on the off weeks so that you guys aren't overwhelmed", it can last the entire semester.
"You look sad, is something wrong?"

"Nothing in particular, its just that Seasonal Midterm Disorder's got me down,"
"Oh know, will it end soon?"
"Nope, my professor decided to have 'small' tests every two weeks instead of midterms"
"Well, you're fucked"
by Jim? James? Jimothy? October 3, 2017
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