2 definitions by Jhome

A girl who is very demonic and loves shirt people especially if they have freckles.
Run away! The Kamryn is coming!
by Jhome February 19, 2017
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Used by people describe the way that they would perform sexual intercourse with a rather unattractive partner. Usually involves a bag over the head, or doggystyle with the ugly persons head buried in the ground as to decrease the offense of their face on your sexual contentment.
Girl 1: Hey I heard that you and Sean hooked up last night.

Girl 2: Well not really..... He said he couldnt get off because my face was too hideous.

Girl 1: Just tell him to get cut like ya ugly and everything will go better.

(Next Day)

Girl 2: Last Night i had Sean cut me like I was ugly and it was the best night ever!!!

Girl 1: Hells Yeah
by Jhome April 20, 2011
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