2 definitions by Jexxxica

An old High School in Lambertville, NJ. Popular weird NJ site. Erected in the 1800's, it burned down twice but a large part of the building is still standing and stable.
A lot of kids go there to explore, fight, or smoke marijuana.
Bri: Let's go to Lambertville High School and smoke a blunt.
Jess: Good idea! There will probably be other kids smoking marijuana also and we can match up.
by Jexxxica July 2, 2006
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An old High School in Lambertville, NJ. Popular weird NJ site. Erected in the 1800's, it burned down twice but a large part of the building is still standing and stable.
A lot of kids go there to explore, fight, or smoke marijuana.
Area is sometimes patrolled by cops.
Bri: Let's go to Lambertville High School and smoke a blunt.
Jess: Good idea! There will probably be other kids smoking marijuana also and we can match up
by Jexxxica July 13, 2006
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