1 definition by Jester~

Otherwise known as End-of-the-line. A small, rundown town, resembling a post-apocalyptic seaside resort smack bang in the middle of Wales, UK.
Most of the buildings stand unchanged and uninhabited since the 60’s, and there are extraordinarily loud, large seagulls and other vermin running riot. There is an increased populace of insane and high people, who stumble aimlessly about the deserted streets, much like zombies. It is almost impossible to travel anywhere without having to climb a hill however, which sets the banshee-like population at a serious disadvantage.
The populace dramatically increases during term time due to the arrival of ten thousand university students who cause general chaos yet contribute around 99% to the economy, much to the dismay of the locals, who despise them with a burning passion.
When the students escape home in the summer they are replaced with Orthodox Jews who mostly seem to be holiday-making/practising misogyny.
Local attractions include getting shat on by a starling going for a nap under the pier, paying an extortionate fee to dance in one of two clubs then getting date raped, and being heckled at by the missing link in a fake Welsh accent.
Outsider's perspective: Aberystwyth is a lovely seaside town, I bet its wonderful to live there

Insider's perspective: You want to Live in Aberystwyth? You must be insane.
by Jester~ March 27, 2011
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