1 definition by Jessie Lero

The lead singer and frontman of alternative rock/pop punk band My Chemical Romance. Writer of the comic book The Umbrella Academy. The elder brother of Mikey Way. Thoroughly enjoys blogging about random topics on varying levels of stupidity.
Looked up to and respected by a very large fanbase, including a group that is known as the MCRmy. Attracts a very unfortunate mass of teenyboppers who ruin it for the rest of us by posting over and over on here about how hot, sexy, or fuckable he is.
Is MARRIED to Mindless Self Indulgence bassist, Lyn-z.
Person 1: Did you get the new copy of Dallas yet?
Person 2: No, I just got finished checking Gerard Way's new blog on Frankenberry.

Viva la MCRmy ^_^
by Jessie Lero May 24, 2009
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