2 definitions by Jericurls Jenkins

When two or more males are stuck in a seemingly homophobic situation.. the phrase "This isn't gay shit... this is manshit!" can be used to effectively diffuse the situation and regain equilibrium in masculinity.
A bunch of dudes are taking a group photo, and hugging each other in a suspicious manner.

Dude taking the photo: Damn this is some gay shit.

Other Dude: This isn't gay shit... this is manshit!
by Jericurls Jenkins April 15, 2008
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Have you ever found yourself in a questionable homosexual situation? Does your homophobia prevent you from hanging out with friends for some quality male bonding? Fear no more because, “This isn’t gay shit… THIS IS MAN SHIT.”
Dude1: Dude! Give me a hug bro!

Dude2: Awww..that's some gay shit.

Dude1: This isn't gays shit... this is manshit!
by Jericurls Jenkins April 15, 2008
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