1 definition by J. F.

This adjective is used to describe one who has a ridiculously negative opinion of something of obvious quality and merit. It may also be used to describe the opinion itself.

The noun, "harrelsonia", refers to the sickness that one develops upon having repeated harrelsonian opinions.
Gamer MH: "I'm a Metal Gear fan, but I couldn't stand Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the Gamecube. Loved the original version on the PS1, but I just couldn't stand how much more superior the Gamecube version was to the PS1 version. The new, updated graphics and improved controls just aren't for me because I hate things like that."

Gamer JF: "Wow, Gamer MH, how harrelsonian of you to say that."

Or, for the noun:

Gamer JF: "My good friend Gamer ML, I'm afraid that something is seriously wrong with Gamer MH...his opinions...unnatural these days."

Gamer ML: "Hmmm, interesting statement, Gamer JF. I've noticed it too. It appears we must admit him for treatment before the harrelsonia spreads."
by J. F. April 3, 2008
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