2 definitions by Indian Mønké

Jaggu is a 5 testicled beast. He does not actually exist, but is a hallucination caused by Raju’s excessive usage of weed. Despite this, Bheem and Chutki are also able to see him, the illogical nature of which Kalia often questions. While Raju perceives him as a blue monkey, Bheem sees him as a pink hippo and Chutki sees him as a giant broom because the only thing women in Dholakpur are allowed to do is household chores. Since he is originally Raju's hallucination, the show only depicts his blue monkey form. He encourages the kids to make questionable decisions, like robbing the local supermarket and framing it on Dholu, Bholu, and/or Kalia.

Jaggu is charged with of 5 felonies, namely robbery, possession of drugs, murder, harassment and child abuse. He was sentenced to 68 years of imprisonment in Dholakpur Prison although, for unknown reasons, he pleaded that he wanted 1 extra year of prisonment.
Mother to her child: Baby eat your food quickly lest Jaggu steals it for himself.
by Indian Mønké July 13, 2021
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Mudizee's arch nemesis. He is responsible for most of modern India's problems, even though he has been dead for quite some time. Some say he died of AIDS, others say he had Syphillis. It is said that he was a womanizer, secret Muslim and a tool of the Bri'ish.
Teacher: Why didn't you finish your homework?
Student: Ma'am, Nehru ate my homework.
by Indian Mønké July 13, 2021
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