1 definition by Incy Wincy

Origin: the accidental but humorous mispronunciation of “voila” during an online war of words between frenemies. It is always written in italics.

The word has now been reappropriated as an ironic double meaning utilized within the setting online feuds, real or imagined:

1. Used purposefully to point out someone’s misspelling (you will find it often used by the spelling police on social media)

2. Applied to mock an argument the user finds nonsensical, irrational, preposterous or simply too long to read (TLDR) and does not wish to respond to meaningfully.
“Wow, you are such an idoit

idoit Viola

{insert very lengthy text without spacing on why women should exclusively wear skirts}

I did not have sexual relations with that woman

by Incy Wincy January 14, 2021
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