1 definition by Imanapple

A term created by YouTuber Jerma985; it refers to the Spy class in the first-person shooter Team Fortress 2, specifically young/baby spies. Shpees are typically bad at playing the game (noob) and will hide in places or wander about. According to Jerma985, shpees are born in a nest and leave it at eleven days old and their diet may consist of wild rodents. A shpee grows wings after getting its first kill, but this is very unlikely because of the shpees' general conspicuousness and lack of skill. Only about two out of the 700 born every minute will survive and reach "Spyhood" after leaving the nest. Most shpees are harmless.
shpee: I shoot you... pew pew!

shpee 1: ...we both go spawn same time die?
shpee 2: Okay, we'll both go spawn same time die!
shpee 1: Okay, I follow you!
shpee 2: We both go out!
shpee 1, shpee 2: AAAAAH!
by Imanapple October 23, 2013
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