2 definitions by Imagine Dragonlings

The ultimate comic book movie director. Suffers from major spinal problems for singlehandedly carrying the entire DCEU on his fucking back. Responsible for many brilliant and well plotted adaptations of comic characters. Zack Snyder is loved by all who favor movies with substance, characters given actuality, and a well piloted plot. And he is hated by people who can't handle movies that require actual logic and reasoning..

With the release of ZSJL, Zack Snyder as a verb means to make a movie or anything more epic. To give it value, meaning and soul.
"Dragon Age 2 writer reveals everything he would fix about Bioware 's Divisive Sequel."
"If you could Zack Snyder DA2, what would you change?"


Guy 1: "Man, the reboot of that new superhero movie was so good. So much better than the original."
Guy 2: "Yup, agreed. They totally Zack Snyder'd the reboot."
by Imagine Dragonlings April 28, 2021
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A mechanical Christian is someone who claims to be a Christian, goes to church, attend all the meetings and services, but doesn't actually live the life of a believer.

They go to church likely because that's how they've been brought up. They wake up every Sunday morning and get ready for church, not because they're hoping to have an encounter with God, but because that little routine has always been a part of their life.

Dressing up and going to church every Sunday is just one of those weekend activities, that they've gotten accustomed to. Hence, they live a mechanical life.

They give tithes and offerings because it's customary to do so. They say grace before meals because it's customary to do as a Christian. But deep down within them, they have no real relationship with God.

They do these things out of habit, mechanically, and not because they have any real conviction in them.

This practice is called Mechanical Christianity.

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power therefore." - 2. Tim 3:5
A: Sharon used to be a Mechanical Christian at her early life, but I'm glad she finally had an actual encounter with Jesus.

B: Now she comes to church not because she's expected to attend a church as a Christian, but because she actually wants to hear a message from the lord.

A: Yea, mechanical Christianity can lead someone into a false sense of being saved. Only true relationship with God brings enlightenment.
by Imagine Dragonlings October 22, 2022
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