1 definition by Icanshowyoutheworld
Taking online media and re-hosting it on your website. Engaged in piracy or plunder. Mean-spirited swashbuckling of the internet age.
Re-uploading someone else's Youtube video to your Youtube channel.
Newspapers freebooting by uploading CGP Grey's or Brady Haran's Youtube videos into their video players to make money from ads.
"Oh those freebooters taking our videos! I'm sick of it. Freebooting, you know, it's a serious issue!" -Brady Haran
Newspapers freebooting by uploading CGP Grey's or Brady Haran's Youtube videos into their video players to make money from ads.
"Oh those freebooters taking our videos! I'm sick of it. Freebooting, you know, it's a serious issue!" -Brady Haran
by Icanshowyoutheworld February 28, 2014