42 definitions by INSERT CAREFULLY

A PEDOPHILE who has CIRCUMSCRIPTION INSCRIPTION and knows where all the targets are which is ONE.
Only a PEDOPHILE GOD can tell where they can go BUT this PEDOPHILE GOD knows all the traps they set and is a BUMPTIOUS son of a bitch as that ARROGANT ASSH0LE never stops his BIPOLAR BROADCASTING
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 30, 2021
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MARK, you need to do a REVERSE INSERT of your DICK as it hurts too much but ANAL ALAN I am here to give a PEDOPHILE TRAUMAUCKING and you admit it FLAMBOYANTLY you being a PUSH PEDOPHILE BUT I am an EXCEPTION , I KNOW, " that is why precisely , I WON'T , "now SQUEAL!!!!
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 5, 2021
A vomiting pussy when it is fed too much SPERMATOZOA and afterward the object is to make sure the wrong pieces go KNOW WHERE.
Look we are just going to have to play the HERMIT GAME as between these CELLS and INTERFEARON NETWORKS our privacy is under serious invasion every day with you girl.
by INSERT CAREFULLY October 2, 2021
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It is an actual PURSE that has an incentive to stay in touch.

A PUSSY that never let's go.

Look when you took the PURSE BUGGER it was so ready for you to get attached.

Hey more than possessive SUE is downright a PURSE BUGGER once you penetrate it is all over for you as they will say , " I gave you love of all I had to give , why did you have to stop!!!!

Downright goal of JIG SAW is to stretch out extremism and morality as far as it can go but still maintain human decency as the PURSE BUGGER URBAN DICKTIONARY and URBAN CUNTIONARY as AARON and company are going to push the envelope much further with guaranteed.greater society will not accept.
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 14, 2021
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THOM HOGGINS coined the term GAY PRIDE in 1969 +; but one major problem.
In the religiosity PRIDE is considered one of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS and never mind saying "we don't mean it that way and we are ATHIESTS " as religion is a harsh reality and due to the conflict instilled GAY PRIDE VULNERABILITY is quite significant and apparent.
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 15, 2021
When a corporation that is accused of being a MONOPOLY buys other businesses in grand secrecy.

You follow strict guidelines for your ANUS pleasure.
You don't say that MONOPOLY owns the mall I am being a MALL RAT IN as how did they do it, WELL ANETTE they did an INSERT CAREFULLY as just say , " SIMON SAYS JC PENNEY" and climb the hill to BAY HILL ST. BRUNO and be amazed!!!!

Take this seriously as for your ANAL THERAPY when you are going in naturally which is " GOING IN DRY , INSERT CAREFULLY your ANUS RANGER SPACER and always pay attention to ANATOMICAL COMPLIANCE.
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 2, 2021
It is a truism that says, I AIN'T KIDDING. I FIGGED in new ways.
To FIG is to have hot food SEX with your ASSHOLE or I AIN'T FIGGING as EATING SHIT with your ORAL CAVITY is ORAL FIGGING because it comes down to where each HOLES these normally belong to in the FIRST PLACE which means I AIN'T FIGGING as HAPPY FIGGING.
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 10, 2021
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