1 definition by IM on FORTNITE: Reyrorty1

The last name of a great person, usually a guy. These people seem over OBSERVANT and will be creepy at times, but their observations help in situations. These people are quite reasonable; and you'll rarely ever see yourself paying them for their deeds. These people are hard to find, however, and should never appear, about 99% in a coffee shop. You'll find them in more outgoing places, as they are known for adventure. Great people, and will always be. Just don't make fun of their name, for The nipple joke is the one with an E. They'll correct you or strangle you. Either way, its up to them.
*PERSON 2* You mean a NIPPLE head?

No. thats ARREOLA. with an E.
Er.... nipple head.

(2 days later) *PERSON 3* I hereby command you to death row, for commiting first degree murder. you have murdered Jones, as of him insulting of your last name.
(3 days later) I killed a judge, and my best friend.

by IM on FORTNITE: Reyrorty1 October 9, 2018
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