2 definitions by Hufflepuff fangirl

The world's best male figure skater. Born in Sendai, Japan. Reign World, Grand Prix and Olympic champion; has broken the world record 11 times since he was 17. His skating technique and sensation is absolutely amazing. But Yuzuru still tries his best in his performances and through the terrifying injury at Cup of China 2014, there's no doubt that this young man is invisible.

Yuzuru can either be adorable and dorky or sexy. He's also obsessed with Winnie the Pooh, and gonna give fans heart attacks this Olympic season by having 5 quad jumps in his Free Program ( FS ).
Person 1: I love Yuzuru Hanyu's " Hope and Legacy".

Person 2: I know, right?
by Hufflepuff fangirl August 12, 2017
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World's best male figure skater. Reigning World and Olympic champion; has broken world record 11 times since he was 17. He can be either extremely adorable or sexy.

He is also obsessed with Winnie the Pooh.
Yuzuru Hanyu's " Hope and Legacy" is truely amazing.
by Hufflepuff fangirl August 9, 2017
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