1 definition by HuNtS1987

A game where people shoot mil-sim guns at each other pretending like they're in the military. typically these people dress up in camo and play who knows where because no one wants to lose money on opening up an airsoft field. airsoft guns have to have a higher velocity because even still you cannot feel it. airsofters play airsoft because their guns "look more realererer then teh ghey paintball pansy guns" when in reality paintball guns are not pansy guns.. paintballs hurt more... if you play airsoft and say paintball is gay, that officially makes you a fag. paintball is overall more fast paced, fun, and requires more overall skill and stamina than airsoft. i dont carry a 50lb ruck on my back.. you know why? because i'm not a dumbass and i dont play airsoft..
dude: hey, we're gonna play airsoft in my backyard today, wanna play?
guy: didnt we do that when we were like 7 with "real looking guns" and yell "bang you're dead" at each other
dude: no, airsoft has teh 1337 pelletz that roxorz joor face off!

airsofters cannot take the pain of a paintball.. which is why they need airsoft and real looking guns "if only real looking guns had an orange tip" to make them feel like they hold some kind of importance in society and to make them feel better about their rice sized penis...

"i played airsoft once.. i almost got shot by a cop.. apparently my replica m16a1 with a blaze orange tip looked WAYYY to real for him."
"sweet... you're gay"
by HuNtS1987 July 23, 2006
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