2 definitions by Hoot The Pirate

A well known splinter group within Anonymous. They are a mainly Greyhat group of hackers. Rapidly growing splinter group of hackers and activist are within this part of FB and they have been known to do several operations known as Operation Bank of America and the succeeded. They had been known to shut Bank of America down for 2 weeks last year and this year hacked over millions of accounts.
"Venom Anons hacked Bank of America for 2 weeks!"
by Hoot The Pirate August 16, 2017
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A fine owl with a big dick and a very large amount of wisdom. Generally likes too hang with other owl babes constantly and fuck them. He likes to play world of tanks.
"Hoot The Pirate the owl had fucked an owl babe last night with his big dick."
by Hoot The Pirate August 16, 2017
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