2 definitions by Honorable

Someone who makes things up as if they know what they are talking about, while very clearly sounding like a liar. Especially when attempting to sound cool or all knowing, and attempting to talk above people or act like a big shot.
When stating that he knew about how the government really works, David sounded like such a weigant. That person is such a weigant, they act like they know everything. Man I am sick of hearing that person's voice, they are such a weigant.
by Honorable March 13, 2014
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Only the best brand of Popcorn in the United States! Mmm Buttery!
Me: Orville Redenbachers PWNS!!! I eat it every single moment of my life!
Little Child: My mother died from i...
Me: ** Shoots the little sucker **
by Honorable November 4, 2008
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