10 definitions by Hogan Torah
by Hogan Torah February 15, 2021
1.(noun) Something useless
2. (noun) The completely redundant repackaging of two existing things that shouldn't go together.
2. (noun) The completely redundant repackaging of two existing things that shouldn't go together.
This Ebook that you can write on seems a bit toaster fridge. I have a phone that already does both those things in color.
by Hogan Torah November 23, 2020
The extreme version of quiet quitting. Instead of doing the bare minimum to keep your job, you are actively trying to be fired by displaying psychotic behavior.
Bob brought in 50 cans of baked beans and stacked them in a pyramid on his desk then started praying to them in tongues. I think he's trying to get Fight Club fired.
by Hogan Torah September 13, 2022