1 definition by Hobartman

Thoes who attend the friends school in Hobart. Quakers have no morals. This explains the large number of arse rapings at the school. Quakers often try to start fights with fags, their arch enemys. Fags, are basically quakers who admit to arse sex. Quakers have no religion and at friends school are not allowed to be forced to do anything (except submit to arse sex) as they believe in free choice on all matters. Quakers arch enemys are Hutchins boys who they label as fags. Hutchins boys actually combine with Fahnies and Colligiate girls for threesomes which opposes their label of fags. Hutchins boys have never lost to quakers at any sporting event.
Quaker: "Your a fuckin fag hutchins boy. Go have sex with your self."
Hutchins boy: "Ooo nice call arse raper. Gee no religion, wow arn't u cool. Have fun arse raping yourself while im opening presents at christmas you fuckin quaker"
Collgirl: "I'm to up my self to care"
Fahnie: "I would have sex with you but I'm actually a lesbian"
by Hobartman October 29, 2006
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