1 definition by His Exellency

A dekzaut is a type of road found in the "fictional" People's republic of Nexafarin.
it normally consists of 2 parallel bridges with traffic flowing in opposite directions, each bridge has 2 lanes.
there is no speed limit, but ballsy police officers sit on the edges of the sliproads, and they like to hand out tickets to people who look nervous, or drunk. or both.

It is often written on signs as "D1(E) J1"
the first completed section is expected to be fully operational by 1981. it will be completely straight. only 1.5km left to reach the bloody junction. just about halfway there. and we only had to destroy a third of the Renzul national park.
it is also the deepest money pit in the country, having had an estimated 10% of the 1979 GDP spent on it.

it is widely regarded as a complete waste of time, money, and concrete.

the junctions are often poorly designed. we had to tear the first one down entirely, except for some bits the army commandeered to use as an airstrip.
it was not fun at all.

as a result it is the butt of at least 1 joke, but i forgot it or the person who invented it was shot for it.

if you are unlucky enough to break down on this road, just imagine how good life has been up to now, and if it has not been good, imagine the next off brand Polonez hurtling toward you at a whopping 110 KMH, as it cannot be more than a year away. (for context, per the 1979 census, out of all the 4500 people, only 15 owned vehicles.)
paul: "Did you see that pileup on the Dekzaut on the newspaper? apparently someone broke the gearknob off, and it got trapped in the brake pedal, i did not see that one coming. i should have, there were only 5 other cars on that side of the Dekzaut!"
bob: "hey, if you are going over to Renzul on the Dekzaut, be careful, i saw some police at the Restatten on my way home."
by His Exellency April 14, 2023
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