2 definitions by Hillary Lauffer

When the family or friends of a terminally ill person (sick, dying, or otherwise lame) throw a mattress over him/her and take turns wallowing on it in order to smother him/her.
"If Cousin Joe don't show no signs of recuv'ry, we's might just have to have ourselve's a right Mattress Party."
by Hillary Lauffer November 2, 2007
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When the family or friends of a terminally ill person (sick, dying, or otherwise lame) throw a mattress over him/her and take turns wallowing on it in order to smother him/her.

"If Cousin Joe don't show no signs of recuv'ry, we's might just have to have ourselve's a right Mattress Party."
by Hillary Lauffer December 9, 2007
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