1 definition by Hiiiiiiiii12345678

Shaunas are very rare not just because of her unusual name but also because of her personality she loves all her friends but most likely thinks they dont love her but they assure her they do she always tries her hardest to fit in but never does because she to wild and crazy and weird but that's not so much of a bad thing she will often catch herself saying stop being yourself however this is NOT right at all she always catches herself though and say yes I will be myself she has multiple best friends and could never choose between them shaunas love to dance, sing, but most of all love to ACT Shaunas will try to be nice no matter what unless you give her a hard time.... Then prepare for war and if you give her friends a hard time.... Prepare for most likely a nuclear bomb to go off she loves her family soo much and would give the world to help them out Shaunas are usually blonds with eyes that change with the seasons
Shauna: did you mess with my friends?!
Person: who even are you?!
Person: yes I'm sorry! And I guess your Shauna!
by Hiiiiiiiii12345678 February 21, 2020
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