2 definitions by Hezekiah Prince

A slang term for Cigar.
Used by High-School Students who are not old enough to buy them and/or do Marijuana.

See Maham
-"Hey man you got any Hams?"
-"Ya man, my older sister is buying some for me tonight!"
by Hezekiah Prince December 22, 2008
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Official definition: Big head, little body.
Maham: "Mah-ham"; Full head/Open head/Blank Head

Slang term for Marijuana.

Started by High School students who needed a new term to use in school and around non-smoking friends.

Maham is a way of saying "My own cigar" because the government does not own the marijuana but they own "Hams" which is a slang term for cigars.

See Ham
-"Hey, Maham tonight?"
-"Nah man, my grandparents are coming over this weekend"

-"Hey you got any Maham?"
-"No just Hams. You want some?"
-"That's alright, i'll get some from my bro."

-"I had a good time with that 2g Maham J last night"
-"Maham was great!"
by Hezekiah Prince December 22, 2008
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