1 definition by Heynicetomeetyou

A family name that isn’t that popular but represents the most caring, polite, respectful people on earth. They are very outgoing and always have a nice big smile on their lips. They never loose because they are definitely stubborn. They like to laugh with their friends and believe me, they are insane. Like REALLY insane. However, when you meet them, you don’t see their “real” personality. It’s only when they trust you that you will see the real Joanisse. The Joanisse are the type of people that you wanna be in a relationship with. If you are friends with a Joanisse, KEEP THEM! They will always stand by your side N O M A T T E R W H A T!
Hey what’s ur family name?

It’s Joanisse.
Omg are you serious?? Do you wanna hangout sometime soon...?
by Heynicetomeetyou October 5, 2020
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