1 definition by Hentor Axe

A gold digger is basically a female who admires successful men as opposed to mediocre and unaccomplished men. She lives by the code "lack of money can't buy love and happiness" She is the exact opposite of a "ditch digger" (a female who chases poor males). Then there is the "silver digger" who chases middle-class males probably because she feels she can't compete on a higher level with the caliber of females who score accomplished men. Self esteem problem.

While some gold diggers are males... they are overwhelmingly females since older wealthy women can't birth children which is a major stumbling block and deterrent to male gold digging.

Plus gold digging doesn't work as well for males since males don't have the power to seduce that females have. All a female has to do to become rich is poke a lonely rich man in the belly and her bills are paid.
If a male pokes a rich woman in the belly out of the blue... there is a chance he is going to prison for being a creepy sexually assaulting pervert. Its dangerous for males to gold dig for the same reason its dangerous for males to flirt in the work place.
Females are "predator paraonoid". That is why most gold diggers are not males. In order for males to gold dig they must be "creepy predators:" first.

"Hahhaah look at successful nerd who worked hard with his life. He is now rich and successful and his trophy wife is nothing but a GOLD DIGGER! hahaha"-Jock and his trailer trash wife.

"Hahhaha. very funny Jock. I see you scored you a pasty faced trailer trash woman. Spitting spitballs was very prosperous indeed I see. I can smell her from here. What a ditch digger."-Successful Nerd defending his sweet lover.
by Hentor Axe July 12, 2006
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