2 definitions by He it’s me

Neylan is a Hard-working ,funny, beautiful girl she is mostly very good at any type of sport that she puts her mind to ,when you first meet a Neylan she is very shy and awkward but when you get to know her You may just die of laughter. She can Change the way she feels about you without you even knowing and Most people don’t take her very seriously. If you ever meet a Neylan she will be the most craziest person that I have ever met.
(person) Oh you’re talking about Neylan she’s hilarious (other person)Well I just met her and she is pretty shy
by He it’s me January 9, 2020
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Neylan is a hard working,funny ,Beautiful girl that can sometimes change the way she feels about you whiteout you knowing but sometimes she likes to joke about things that are meant to be serious and most people don’t take her seriously
Oh youre talking about Neylan she’s funny
by He it’s me January 9, 2020
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