1 definition by He Who Worships Ducks

A flat, semi-whiney way to express a feeling of unpleasantness.

"Nyeh" is typically used for a replacement for "no" as a response to yes/no questions, demands, and unpleasant scenarios, with the intent of showing that you do not like what the other person has said, and are prepared to whine about it until you get your way.

The length and/or abruptness of the statement of "Nyeh" also determines the level of feeling. A short, snappy "Nyeh" suggests anger and annoyance, where a long, drawn out one suggests whineyness.
Example 1:
"Will you go get me a glass of water?"

Example 2:
"Go make me a sandwich!"

Example 3:
"Guess what? My mother's going to be in town this week!"
by He Who Worships Ducks November 14, 2011
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