2 definitions by HazyHalez

A man that cannot be defined, but nonetheless has to be because his existence should be noted. Every man wants him to be his best man. He is extremely sexy, but acts like he doesn't know it, and even if he does, he doesn't think twice about it. A man that one can only dream about. He is the man of men.
I know you've heard of Chuck Norris, but you gotta hear about this one guy, mother fucking Vincent.
by HazyHalez November 21, 2017
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A Ford mustang post 1969 that anyone drives. Specifically, the ones that make the driver of this car feels the need to cut off traffic, rev at red lights (no pun intended) and feel the need to wave at fellow tampons.

I.E. - Like a tampon, every pussy has one.
Oh, look another red tampon... used and abused. You can tell because it has to wave at the white mustang.
by HazyHalez November 21, 2017
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