1 definition by Hatz aka ( )-N-S-|_-A-U-G-]-[-T aka Oleoresin Capsicum

Pooned originated from pwned, which originated from owned. Pwned was made popular in counterstrike, as a more "1337" way of saying owned. Owned was mispelled as pwned in some other game, i think warcraft, which is how pwned came about, sort of a joke. Pooned came to my attention from watching the MyGot hacker flash video of counterstrike, in which it portrays some nerd saying pwned outloud, hence the pronunciation "pooned."

E.G.- "OMG, i love the map dust, i can poon so many noobs, and maybe if i poon enough noobs today, i can raise my server rank from 3 to 1 (hehehe)"

I then myself started using poon and pooned while playing counterstrike cuz it was funny as hell when people asked, "wtf does pooned mean?" Now, apparently, a lot of people use it, i haven't seen it though, only on servers i play in, in which case the bastards stole the word from me. They should be pooned for that.
"My napalm grenade burninated your ass, POONED!"

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