1 definition by Hatervator

Aggressive behavior taken by a women after you have done something to piss her off. It could be a stranger or a parent or a sister or a wife or other loved one.

And often related to subjects they wish to tell you that you have done wrong, or need to correct.
You forget the put the toilet seat up so you pull Naggro.

You are talking to your mother and she decides its time to tell you to go to college and get a job and she does not shut the fuck up. She goes on and on til you can't listen any more and then she pulls instant Naggro the next day on the same subject.

Naggro is often related to how women Treat Gamers, and World of Warcraft is another subject of Naggro. Girlfriends and Mothers hate that guys play it and that it happens to be another form of birth control.
by Hatervator February 14, 2011
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