1 definition by Harlicain

Unicorn : a mythical sexy male who thoroughly enjoys going down on women.

Not just to get her to reciprocate either, he honestly doesn't even care if she touches him.

This magnificent bastard doesn't just say he likes doing it like those trashy chads who late all talk and no....tongue...

He craves it and if he decides he is having you for dinner you best set the table and show him some damn manners.

If you catch a glimpse of him in his natural habitat between your legs you will see the pure joy that comes across his face as you try and pull away because it's just too much. He thrives on the words "I can't take any more" and making you consider religious pursuits

The mark of a true unicorn is once you have come once to pull you back in and make you go again even if you think you can't -he will make it happen and you will end up questioning your life choices and why you have gotten this far in life without knowing you can come like that.

A unicorn also comes with a expiry date as nothing this good should be squandered for one person. You won't really feel like trying to pursue anything anyway as conversations are difficult when he has a mouth full of... you

It is your duty as a woman to set him free to make another sis his lunch.

Have your fun and release him back into the wild as he cannot be tamed.

It's like how if you are blind your sense of hearing can be heightened - this guy is just not good at any other interaction with a female.

And that's ok.

Bon appetite
"I went on a date with that guy last night and it was great but I won't see him again .... he is a unicorn... do you want his number?"
by Harlicain October 31, 2020
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