1 definition by Hard lessons

She's a woman who pretends to be loyal, and can play it off for well over a decade. But, in the end, she was a shifty lying schemer the whole time. Indica will gain your trust and confidence, only to tear out your heart, throw it on the ground, then wipe her ass with it, dirt and all, then take a big bite out of your dirty, shitty heart. Indica might act like she feels bad that your hurt, but you'll never get more than a passive aggressive "I'm sorry that it got to this point", or a "I feel terrible that something I may have done might have led to you feeling this way". But, more likely you'll get denial and feigned ignorance despite evidence of her treachery. Trust Indica at your own peril.
I can't believe he tried to kill himself, what happened?
He made the mistake if trusting Indica. Now his house is ashes and his dog is dead.
by Hard lessons September 26, 2022
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