1 definition by HRDemon (ex-BHS)

A very cheap brand of vodka made by Hood River Distillers, HRD is colloquially called "Hood Rat Drink" and is the #1 selling vodka in Oregon and Washington. It is mainly enjoyed by Portland teens, high schoolers, frat guys, and drunkards on a budget. Its main selling point is its price: under 7 bucks. If you, your cronies, and a 21-year-old friend of a friend/older sibling can scrounge up the king's ransom of $14, you can buy nearly a gallon of it. This makes getting shitfaced, crunk, or fucked up to the point of yacking a lot easier and cheaper. In addition to its vodka, HRD manufactures both a peach and a root beer schnapps. HRD purists maintain that it goes down easiest when combined with either grape gatorade or generic brand cola. HRD tastes better going down than coming back up, but only slightly.
High schooler 1: Yo bra, I heard of this schweet party with college girls, there'll be a keg!
High schooler 2: Keg beer is for pussies! My older brother's buyin' HRD!
High schooler 1: Tight, I'll buy the grape Gatorade.
by HRDemon (ex-BHS) August 1, 2006
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