2 definitions by HHR (Hindu Human Rights)

Colonial British construct rooted in 19th C scientific racism such as the Aryan Race theory which is since discredited.

Predominantly upheld by colonised Brahminical natives educated under the British Imperial system who secretly believe that they are rightful heirs of The Raj and must civilise the indigenous Hindus as the ruling class from South Asian departments.

They truly believe they are descendents of a mythical Aryan race, normally from highly privileged backgrounds, and to avoid giving up their privilege, they pretend to care about structural inequality by self loathing condemnation of their culture and by looking down on all who refuse to deracinate themselves.

They hate traditional Brahmins who are rooted in their traditional indigenous Hindu culture. They look down on and have extreme hate for India's low-caste Hindu PM and the President who is a Dalit.
Smash Patriarchal Brahminical Supremacy
by HHR (Hindu Human Rights) March 24, 2022
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Hinduphobia (or Anti-Hindu sentiment) is an irrational fear or hate of Hindus and Hinduism.

Hinduphobia is a form of violence largely perpetrated against the largest surviving group of indigenous peoples and their continuous culture.

Hinduphobia includes physical, emotional, psychological, economic and social abuse. It includes victim shaming, silencing and the overt denial of centuries of atrocities against Hindus that continue today. It includes smashing idols, destroying temples, forced conversion, murder, persecution, bride theft and ethnic cleansing.

It utilizes suggestion and innuendo, unfair characterization, strawman attacks, denigration, mocking the dress, language or customs, accents and in the media and academia, the distortion of traditional beliefs, practices or texts. Outright lying such as use of Hindu terror and smearing, portray Hindus and Hinduism in a negative light.

It includes cultural and ethnic genocide, epistemicide and the misappropriation of Hindu material and intangible cultural heritage.
Hinduphobia is calling Hindus cow piss drinkers, pagans who are superstitious, backward, and worship weird Gods. Or dirty extremists who hate women, are oppressive, savage cannibals and rapists.
by HHR (Hindu Human Rights) February 5, 2020
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