1 definition by Gypsy craw daddy

A big eye browsed street brawler who lives under a bridge and has professional jousting experience. Turned down a role in the expendables 2 because Stallone kept asking for his autograph. Has timber claws for hands. Can run the 40 in 3.9 seconds. Doesn't play by any rules. Not even his own. Adopted as a youth by Bruce banner. Wears Russian hats. Fabricated flight simulators for the Iranian army. Work budds with Travis. Two d's, one for each of them. The movie cliffhanger is based off of his summer of 1988. Can hold a handstand for 3 minutes. Wrote the theme to titanic. Invented las Vegas. Eats only sweet potatoes. Shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. Plays second fiddle to nobody. Champion fiddle player. No fat chicks. World class poet. Phd. Bsc, esq. drinks scotch with Sean penn and goose from top gun.
Hey look malins is drinking scotch with Sean penn and goose. Does that guy have timber claws for hands? He probably wrote the titanic theme.
by Gypsy craw daddy July 13, 2012
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