2 definitions by Greenmonkey2908

If you swipe your finger diagonally on both sides from top to bottom you get 753951 that is a color hex number for a shade of greyish red which's binary is 01110101 00111001 01010001 which translates to u9Q
Person1: u9Q

Person2: What does that mean

Person one: If you swipe your finger diagonally on both sides from top to bottom you get 753951 that is a color hex number for a shade of greyish red which's binary is 01110101 00111001 01010001 which translates to u9Q
by Greenmonkey2908 January 12, 2021
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World wide web wide tech support association of certified tech professionals was created by kitboga. The lead technician is Danial.
World wide web wide tech support association of certified tech professionals (wwwwtsactp) you are speaking with Danial, how may I help you?
by Greenmonkey2908 May 19, 2021
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